Apr 3, 2009

Feb 25, 2009

Do the dancing!

Vimeo's quality has been sucking huge testes lately. I uploaded my last video and it fucked up the audio quality(static), video/audio timing, and the playback timeline! Even on the video I'm posting now, theres no screen shot or still frame, just the vertical lines! what is this shit?!?


OK.... Vimeo is fucking weak. It did the same thing to this video. Below is the youtube version, which is lower quality video, but at least the audio to video timing still exists. I also posted the vimeo version under it so you can see how shitty vimeo made it. The whole video is in fast forward, but the music is normal.. FUCK VIMEO IN ITS VIDEO HOSTING ASS!

Beat Thieves in Long Beach from Hella Wicked on Vimeo.


Feb 6, 2009

Way Better Than My Snowman

YO!!! Sorry Mikey and I haven't done anything new yet. Mikey just came back from Rhode Island and I've been busy with school. I just wanted to post something because I know all you readers out there are here only because you are bored. Why else would you read our blog? We're not even big or popular yet (but with your help, theres a chance!!!).

Anyways, just to give you guys some reading material. I want to share with you what I found on the web. Have you guys heard of the Sapporo Snow Festival? Well, it's this huge snow festival where there is snow. Haha, I'm just kidding, it's more than that. Ice sculptors come to this festival in Japan to showcase their art. These sculptures come out totally epic, WAY better than the snowman I always attempted to make back home.

Like whoah! Ice sculpture with lighting effect? Totally awesome.

Seriously? Check out the Stitch one also on this blog:

Wanting to play in the snow again,

photos from www.pinktentacle.com

Jan 22, 2009

Fucking snow

Hi there, Mike here. So here's a video of some sledding from last weekend. Twas a jolly good time. Of course, all you'll really get to see is the falling, because... well have you ever watched someone just sled down a hill and NOT fall? That shit is boring.

Omson, Ja, and myself at the end of the day. Good times.

This is a shortened version... I got lazy! What can I say??

Sledding from Hella Wicked on Vimeo.


Jan 20, 2009

Stuck in Atlanta

Hey, Omson here. I'm stuck in a rather cold "Hotlanta" right now. It is about 12:40 am Wednesday and I'm still not back in California yet, considering the fact that my original flight was Monday evening. So this is the dealio...

My original flight was supposed to be on Monday with a layover in New York, but due to weather issues, that flight got canceled. The next flight available was the next day (Tuesday) at around 1pm to Cincinnati. So then I arrive the next day to find out that my flight would be delayed for like two hours.

So I check in and they tell me my flight was being switched to Atlanta at 6pm. I'm like "fuck, whatever. I just want to actually get out of Rhode Island." Six o'clock comes around and guess what? MECHANICAL PROBLEMS! Yay. So after about an hour delay, I get on the plane.

I arrive in Atlanta with twenty five minutes until my flight leaves. I take their tram and power walk my ass to gate B27 with ten minutes to spare, but guess what? The counter lady had already closed the door and left. What bullshit right?

*** I forgot to tell you guys that after that, i sat there for another 20 minutes watching my plane NOT MOVE!!!!***

So my next flight now will be tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at eight-ish. Hopefully I actually leave for Cali. OH THE TEASE!

Thanks Delta Airlines for the hotel room, seven dollar meal vouchers, and an overnight kit. Wait, never mind. Fuck you Delta.

I had to wait outside in the fucking cold for like thirty minutes waiting for a shuttle that comes "every fifteen minutes." This is where i end up. What a lonely room.

Complementary tools for survival. Shirt to sleep in, tooth brush and paste, razor, brush?, and some q-tips.

Mmmmm... free food.

Fuck Delta,
Peace Out,
Omson McFly

Jan 16, 2009

A Hella Wicked Trip to New York

Hey guys, sorry it has been a while. Mikey and I have been busy with school and work so we have not really done anything interesting. Since we are on break, we went to NEW YORK!!!

We first arrive in Brooklyn where we are greeted by a good friend (and Mikey's bro) JM. I haven't seen him since last summer so it was nice seeing him again, especially since I now live in California and he, New York. Walked up to his pad and the first thing i see is this little white creature.

It is called Ninja.

The next day, we took the subway into Manhattan to have some fun. We first stopped by in Canal St., accroding to Mikey "C-Anal St.", to have some lunch. Supposedly it was "Shanghai" style food. The decor was awesome with a very vintage East meets West feel to it.

After That, we just chilled and went shopping around Soho.

Haha, poor guy. He got his bike jacked. Sucker!

Anywho, Here's a short documentary, ENJOY!!!!

A Hella Wicked Trip to New York from Hella Wicked on Vimeo.

Peace One,
Omson McFly

Jan 13, 2009

Just a reflection

I went through the attic today. I've been slaving over boxes filled with my childhood, in preparation for my location change to California. While I was dodging mouse traps and tripping over boxes stuffed with christmas decorations, I noticed a stack of vinyl in the back. Now, I've seen this stack plenty of times when I was younger but for some reason I never picked them up and checked them out.

I think it's because they're my dad's old records and I automatically assumed they weren't that interesting. When I was young I didn't realize that me and my dad would have similar tastes in music. Don't get me wrong, he was supportive of everything I did, even if he had no way to relate to it.

So today it really hit me.. My dad (and mom) aren't just the people who drove me to baseball, or the loud people cheering for me at karate tournaments. They were young at one point and went through the same things I did.

(Earth, Wind & Fire album art)

I guess the reason I wasn't expecting to like his records is because he passed on when I was thirteen years old, and there wasn't much ground to relate. To contrast, I just wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z, while he...well, he took care of my mother, brother, and I.

Now it's ten years later and I'd like to believe I'm a little more mature. I just wish I had a chance to listen to these records together with him.

Mikey McMikenstein