Apr 14, 2008

Fuck your coast!

This is... Hella Wicked!
Shall we introduce ourselves?

The west coaster toaster:

ewww... its: omson
keeps it real at: Cal State Fullerton - Undeclared
hibernates in: Orange County, California
dances with two left feet: bboy omson outta Beat Thieves and Infinite PASAbilities
tools to make u drool: COMPAQ!(sorry, not cool as mikey)... touchpad? pens, pencils, paint brush (acrylic).

The east coaster roaster:

Who's that?: Mikos
Keep Busy: Graphic Design - Fitchburg State College
Stompin: Fitchburg, MA / Boston, MA / Newport, RI
Lean with it: Laziest Bboy ever, representing Beat Thieves and Boner Squad Crews.
Weapon of necessity: MacBook Pro, Wacom, Pencil set & sketchbook.

So you might or might not be wondering what Hella Wicked is. It's more like 'who' is Hella Wicked, and you now know who Omson and Mikos are now... so you're pretty much in the know. We're just two Joe Shmoes that live on opposite ends of the country. The blogs will consist of comparisons in surroundings that we both encounter on the regular. A little friendly competition where we can one up on eachother. For example, if one of us posts an ill Italian restaurant from one coast, the opposing person must fuck the others coast by being more awesome via Italian restaurant. So stay tuned for some algebraic fun! Rhombus!!

1 comment:

HelloMeow said...

I like your photo Mike,especially the reflection of the building from the puddle.